Camhead (2010) R1200GS Hepco Becker lower engine bars "bracing bow" (silver)
ID# 033918
217 Westley Pl
Allentown, PA 18104-8635
United States
This is the part that connects the left and right engine bars across the front of the engine. Hepco Becker calls it "bracing bow", I would call it the cross-bracket. I bought this new from HB after one of the mounting tabs on this part on my 2010 R1200GS had snapped off at the weld, obviously due to some material or assembly defect.
For some reason this part just wouldn't fit right with the left and right bars on my bike. The mounting holes on all the pieces wouldn't 'naturally' align with the screw holes on the engine. Maybe the bars on my bike were slightly bent out of shape in an earlier minor garage tip-over. I could have made it work, but with a lot of stress on the mounting bolts, which I didn't want to do. So instead, I had the broken-off tab on my old bracing bow welded back on by a local welding shop, so I have no use for this part.
The parts has slight scuff marks from trying to fit in on my bike but it was never even installed. $10 plus shipping.
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