Wunderlich Left-Side "Crash Bar Bag" for BMW R1200GS Adventure Motorcycles

ID# 032603
14401 Marmont Drive
Chesterfield, MO 63017
United States
9783955555 (Main Phone)
978 395-5555 (Mobile Phone)
Payment Info
$41.95 if purchased through PayPal, $40 for cash payment upon local pickup
Shipping Info
Free shipping to lower 49 states, USA
Quantity Available
I am selling the "left-side crash bar bag" made by Wunderlich specifically meant to be mounted on the top portion of the GSA crashbars. It was originally bought and mounted as a set. The right crash bar bag grew legs and disappeared at a rally leaving me with only the left Bag which is what I am selling. I am hoping to sell to someone who has a set and will want a spare in case their left side becomes damaged, or if someone has the right side and is looking for a left bag to complet the set. These bags were brilliantly convieved as a way to make use of the front loop section of the crash bars and a place to carry low value but necessary items like tire repair gear, or anything else that you might want easy access to. I would typically use these in two instances. 1. when I wanted to ride without panniers but had gear that I wanted with me for in case "murphy struck on a day ride." The other time I used them is for trips and trips to rallys. With my panniers loaded for my destination and a waterproof duffer over the back seat to carry tent, chair, and other camping equipment, I didn't want to remove that every time I needed access to certain things. Nor did I want to rely on my top case which was reserved for my helmet.

I have had this stored, wrapped in plastic, while I sought out a way to purchase a right side match. So I treated it with Nikwax TX Direct Spray-On to refresh the repellancy of the cordura fabric. These bags are surprisingly roomy and great for carrying your tire pump and tire patch kits along with other gear you want to keep on the bike.

I am selling because I have a medical condition which will not let me continue to ride so I must liquidate my gear and find them new homes. The set, sold new, ranges between $300 to $400. I am selling this left-side bag for $45 and coversing shipping. I thank you for your time to check out my listing and if you are interested please reach out via cell phone: 978-395-5555 or email: towniesailor@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you.
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